Food Coach Aviva's Favorite Recipes

I love to explore new recipes, so my favorites change from week to week, but these are some of my staples that I always find myself coming back to! I am definitely one to meal prep in advance so I have food at the ready when hunger strikes, so many of these recipes can be made ahead of time and be just as delicious when heated up later! I also enjoy a good balance between sweet and savory, so you’ll find some fun treats sprinkled in here too.


Triple Berry Spinach Smoothie Bowl

I feel best when I start my day off with fresh fruit, so smoothies are my go to! I enjoy eating them out of a bowl with lots of toppings to add some crunch and fill me up with some extra protein. I typically add whatever seeds I have on hand (chia seeds, hemp seeds, pepitas, etc.) and always finish it off with an extra little drizzle of almond, peanut, or sunflower seed butter!  


Pumpkin Bread

In the fall and winter, I like to start my day off with a warm breakfast instead of a smoothie when the weather is chilly. I like to bake this pumpkin bread on a Sunday afternoon and then enjoy it with a hot cup of coffee for breakfast the rest of the week. 


Pickled Red Onions

I prep these pickled onions in advance and then use them on everything throughout the week. They’re delicious on sandwiches, burgers, wraps, salads, tacos, avocado toast, you name it. You’ll need to make a new batch before you know it, but that’s ok because they only take 10 minutes to prepare!  


Stuffed Potato Cakes

These potato cakes are great for appetizers, main dishes, pot lucks, parties, or pretty much any occasion! I make them in my air fryer to get them nice and crispy. 


Fresh Thai Spring Rolls

When I’m in the mood for something fresh and light, thai spring rolls are the first thing I crave. The chewy texture of the rice wrappers combined with the crunch of fresh vegetables, and a good dunk in the peanut sauce makes this dish an immediate favorite. And it is worth all the chopping, I promise! It’s also fun to have friends and/or family assemble their own rolls, making it an interactive meal experience! 


Red Lentil Dahl

When I’m craving something a little more hearty than the fresh spring rolls, I love this red lentil dahl, which is satiating and nutritionally dense. My favorite thing about it (other than how delicious it tastes) is that you can use any vegetables you have on hand or need to be used up! 


Lava Cake

Don’t let this recipe fool you, it is super quick and easy to whip up! It looks luxuriously decadent, but the ingredients consist mostly of oat flour, almond flour, dark chocolate, and bananas, so this recipe is a great option for a fun & healthy dessert. 

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