Tips for Traveling/Eating Out

At first, when getting used to this way of eating, traveling and eating out at restaurants can be daunting. But, once you get the hang of it, it will become second nature! Here are some tips that we think will help as you are getting through the initial adjustment stage.  


  • When traveling, a good tip is to take advantage of the fridge in the hotel room and bring some of your own items like fresh veggies and hummus, fruit, nuts, and individual serving-size packs of peanut or almond butter.
  • Hack the coffee maker in your hotel room! Oatmeal can be prepared with hot water from the coffee maker, and so can dried soups! These options can be a lifesaver when traveling -- they're inexpensive, light and easy to pack, they don't need to be refrigerated, and can be prepared as long as you have access to hot water (apart from a coffee maker, you can also request a cup of hot water in flight or from a coffee shop to prepare it on-the-go).
  • There are also lots of meals in the meal planner that don't require much prep or kitchen equipment. Believe it or not, if you adjust your Kitchen Equipment section of your preferences to select just microwave (which some hotels do provide in the room) you'll see lots of great, travel-friendly ideas.

As for eating out, eating plant-based can be more challenging sometimes, but it is getting easier these days as more and more restaurants are offering plant-based options. Plus, the more you get accustomed to it and how to work the menu, you will begin to find it very manageable!

  • One really great tool is the HappyCow website/app. On this site you can find all the places in your area that are plant-based, veg-friendly, or have those options!
  • Another tip is to look up the menu of the restaurant you are going to ahead of time -- most have their menus online on their websites so you can familiarize yourself with what might be available.
  • Many menus have vegetarian options which can easily be made 100% plant-based. Just ask if the dairy or egg can be removed from the dish! You can also look around the menu and if there's an ingredient used in another dish that you think would be great to add to the one you’re ordering, you can ask for a substitution. A good example of this is if you’re ordering a veggie burrito, perhaps ask for the cheese and sour cream to be removed, and instead replace it with guacamole or potatoes. Yum!
  • If there are no main dishes that are easily made plant-based, look to the sides. There are usually lots of side dishes that are veg-friendly, or can be adapted! You can always order a big plate of those. A good example here would be if you’re meeting friends at a steakhouse. There you can order a baked potato and a few steamed or sautéed veggie sides!
  • It also doesn't hurt to ask your server or the chef if there is anything s/he can create for you based on ingredients from the menu! Often times they will be more than happy to whip up a really delicious meal that is not on the menu (your non-veg friends may even wish they had what you’re having)!

Finally, when you are going to an event, party or other celebration, remember why you are going - to celebrate your friend or family member or a particular milestone - not the food. There’s nothing wrong with eating beforehand or saving your appetite for when you get home and can have a delicious, healthy, nutritious plant-based meal.

If you still have questions or concerns, just reach out to one of our food coaches! We have tons of experience in this area too. 😊

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