Weight loss

We strive to make all our recipes balanced and nutritious. Many factors contribute to a person’s body weight. So, you should consult your doctor or other healthcare professional before making changes to your diet. 

To help you on your journey, we provide the the calorie count of every recipe in the Nutrition tab. If you choose a medium appetite size, most recipes will be below 500 calories. If you’re looking for more ways to lighten up the meals in the Meal Planner, here are some ways to adjust recipes for fat, carb, and calorie content: 

Appetite size: Be sure you’re choosing the correct appetite size. Larger portions are designed for active folks who are fueling a fitness-centered lifestyle.

Eliminate or reduce oil: Many of our recipes include instructions for how to make the recipe oil free. Follow those steps for a delicious meal—minus the oil. 

Swap out the bread: We love whole-grain bread, but sometimes it’s good to mix it up and make things a little greener. Instead of using bread for sandwiches, try wrapping them up in a big lettuce, collard, or chard leaf. Just be sure to add more greens to your grocery list! Same goes for swapping cauliflower rice for regular rice, and zucchini noodles for pasta. 😊

Still need help? Get in touch with your Food Coaches Get in touch with your Food Coaches